Ultimate Grudge Guy Richard Sherman Still Hates Jim Harbaugh

Jim Harbaugh was Richard Sherman's coach at Stanford for 3 years. You'd think they'd have a great relationship....turns out they don't. Like at all. 

The story goes that Jim Harbaugh said Richard Sherman "quit" on his 2008 Stanford team after declaring to get knee surgery. 

SOURCE-Sherman said Harbaugh told him he would never play offense for Stanford again, despite being the team’s leading wide receiver as a freshman and sophomore. Sherman moved to defense and began the following offseason at the bottom of the Stanford depth chart.

Sherman is kind of a grudge guy, so he never let his ill will towards Harbaugh go. Last night at Super Bowl Media Day, Sherman described that he hated Harbaugh so much, he made it a mission to get him out of the league:

SOURCE-“I wanted to put him out of the league,” Sherman said at Super Bowl opening night, via Phil Barber of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. “And once I got that done, I had no animosity toward the 49ers organization.”

I'll always respect a grudge guy no matter what. I don't think anyone will ever compare to Dave's ability to hold a grudge, but Sherman is close. This is the guy who hasn't let go to that he wasn't the valedictorian of his high school: 

SOURCE-Sherman had hoped to say those words seven years ago, on the day he graduated from Dominguez High, but only the valedictorian got to speak. Instead, he sat silently in a folding chair on the football field—his definition of corporal punishment—because obviously he did not finish first in his class. No, he actually finished second, his 4.2 GPA falling short by less than a tenth of a point. "That still hurts," Sherman moans, shaking his dreads.


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